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My girls and I decided to make some egg carton crabs today. We couldn’t decide if we should make the pincers using pipe cleaners or orange craft paper. So we decided to try them out both ways.

So here are egg carton crabs made two different ways. And this is what you’ll need to make them:
What you need to make 1 egg carton crab
1. 1 egg carton piece
2. Scissors
3. Craft glue
4. Orange paint (I love these washable Crayola paints, perfect for doing crafts with kids who will inevitably get the paint everywhere!)
5. 2 googly eyes
7. 2 orange pipe cleaners
8. Orange construction paper
9. Black marker
How to make a recycled egg carton crab
1. Cut an empty egg carton piece. You’ll need one piece for each crab.
2. Paint the egg carton cube orange. Wait until it’s totally dry.
3. While your egg carton dries up, take the orange pipe cleaner and it into 2 equal parts. Stick the googly eyes to the top of the pipe cleaner.
4. Stick the pipe cleaner eyes to the top of the egg carton like this:
5. Use a black marker to make a smiley face.
6. Cut an orange pipe cleaner into 4 equal parts, bend slightly to make into legs and stick these to the side of the crab’s body.
7. Now you can decide what kind of pincers you want the crab to have. For pipe cleaner pincers, cut two equal parts of pipe cleaner and fold them into a y looking shape. Stick them to the side of the crabs body facing upwards. You should end up with something that looks like this:
8. Another way to make the crab’s pincers: cut two equal parts of pipe cleaner. Use orange craft paper to cut two pincer shapes and stick them to the ends of the pipe cleaner. Stick these to the front of the crab’s body like so:
And there you go. Following the above steps you should end up with these adorable, happy looking crabs. Happy egg carton crafting!
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